Acupuncture and Herbology in Fullerton
Jun Paek, a highly trained and nationally licensed acupuncturist and chinese herbalist who has been practicing Chinese medicine for over a decade. He treats a wide range of health issues, with focus on pain management, weight loss, and wellness acupuncture. Dr.Paek takes the time to understand each client's individual needs in order to help restore biological balance so the body can heal itself. Feel free to contact our office to ask questions or to make an appointment. Your path to personal health and wellnes is merely a phone call away.
Womens's Health
Female infertility
Menstrul pain, cramp
Irregular menstrual cycle
Acupuncture Specialities
Pain Relief
- Arthritis pain
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Tennis elbow pain
- Foot pain, heel pain
- Hip pain
- Lower back pain
- Knee pain
- Neck pain
- Shoulder pain
- Sciatic symptoms
- Tendonitis, Bursitis
- TMJ-Jaw pain
Internal Medicine
- Allergies-Asthma
- Digestive problems
- Fibromyalgia
- Headache-Migraines
- Restless Leg symdrome(RLS)
- Sinus problems
- Weight loss